Complex of rectangular buildings, hut circles, burnt mounds and other structures (Bouilag II, lower complex)
SITE REF: DB22/08a-e
GRID REF: ND 0917 3288 (centre)
Height OD: 178m
Two rectangular buildings (A and B), a smaller rectangular structure (C), two hut circles (D and E), etc. The larger rectangular building (A) is superimposed on the eastern wall of the hut circle (D), just north of the hut circle entrance which may have been partly destroyed by the building. Within the structure of the rectangular building there are some upright earthfast slabs which may have been part of the original hut circle structure incorporated into the rectangular building. Two more such slabs within the hut circle interior may be in their original positions. Built into the southern arc of the hut circle wall is a small slab-built, cell-like chamber, entered from the interior of the hut circle.
The smaller rectangular building (B) lies to the north-west of building (A), just touching the north-western arc of the hut circle (D). The smaller structure (C) lies about 8m east of the south-eastern corner of building (A) and is formed of embedded, earthfast stone slabs. Hut circle (E) lies about 35m to the north of building (A) and has the arc of an extra 'outwork' to the north-east, partly blocking its entrance. The remains suggest at least two periods of occupation of the site.
Situated on a slope are two turf-covered mounds of somewhat similar appearance, both of which contain quantities of small burnt stones. The northernmost (E) is kidney-shaped, 9.0 by 6.5m and 1.3m high on the lower (N) side. Mound 'F', of similar shape, measures 10.5 by 9.5m and 1.0m high from the N. There are a number of large slabs protruding from this mound including three, possibly four, in line. These stones are earthfast and appear to have formed some structure. Neither mound lies close by an obvious water source.