Hut circles
GRID REF: ND 0935 3289
Height OD: 183m
Decribed by the OS (1982): "On a gentle N-facing slope in open moorland are two contiguous hut circles of widely different type. The N circle is 6.0m in diameter with a turf and heather covered wall reduced to a height of 0.5m and spread to 2.0m. Some inner facing stones are exposed. There is considerable stone debris in the interior, and at least one upright slab, now somewhat loose, positioned radially close to the inner face suggesting some form of aisled dwelling. The entrance, of simple form, is in the NE.
"The interior of the second circle appears to be totally devoid of tumbled stone or structures. It is set at a slightly higher level and measures 7.0m in diameter within a reduced turf-covered wall spread to 2.0m and 0.4m high in which less stone is exposed than in the other circle and no facing-stones can be seen.
"There is no evidence of associated cultivation."