Broch and long house, Tiantulloch
GRID REF: ND 1524 3522
Height OD: 131m
Described by the RCAHMS (1911) as follows: "Directly in rear of Tiantulloch croft house is a broch. On the E the wall face is exposed for a height of about 5' for a considerable part of the periphery. The diameter over all appears to have been about 56', but on the W part of the mound has been removed. The present elevation to the top of the mound is 10'. Towards the NE is an area evidently occupied by outbuildings. An exposed wall bounds it on the S with an elevation of a few feet."
The OS (1967) notes: "Generally as described by RCAHM. A small semicircular alcove, of later date, has been inserted in the broch wall to the SE."
The OS (1982) further adds: "The remains of a broch, generally as described by the RCAH and the previous field investigator. The broch mound rises from a larger mound containing outbuildings; this latter mound is faced on its S side and around to the NE by walling up to 1.3m high which abuts the SW end on the outside of the broch. Removal of some stone near the broch end of the wall has revealed the corbelled roof of an outbuilding and an apparent lintelled passage or gallery leading off it."